The Manta Resort
The Manta Resort offers something different from most tropical islands — it’s not about five-star luxury. If it’s serenity, close encounters with nature and a family of staff you crave, The Manta Resort is the place for you.
Pemba is a remote island off the east coast of Africa, and probably as far away from civilisation you might ever find yourselves. The Manta Resort offers something different from most tropical islands — it’s not about five-star luxury. If it’s serenity, close encounters with nature and a family of staff you crave, The Manta Resort is the place for you. Switch off the noisy, polluted electronic world and enter a completely different one, not as a tourist, but as a guest with simple needs: sunshine, fresh air, natural food, a comfortable bed and friendly company.
Beach Drop Off
Bird Watching
Catch-and-release Fishing
Fine Dining
Garden Tours
Natural History Tours
Scuba Diving
Walks (Guided)
Whale Watching
Wildlife Tours